US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) published a fact sheet regarding country of origin marking requirements for fresh-cut flower imports. CBP indicated the guidance document was being made available because “The trend of importing consumer-ready, fresh-cut flower bouquets, or assembling such articles upon importation for sale directly to retailers, has increased in recent years, making it necessary to address the marking of this particular commodity.”
Bulk fresh-cut flowers are on the J-List, making them an exception to the marking rules if they are not sold to retail customers in a pre-packaged outermost container. However, for cut flowers, which are imported in a container, “the outermost container (shipping carton) in which the article ordinarily reaches the ultimate purchaser is required to be marked to indicate the origin of its contents.”
The fact sheet provides additional marking details regarding the requirements for fresh-cut flowers intended for re-packaging. For further information, please contact Deringer’s Compliance Department or see CBP’s fact sheet.