US Customs Brokerage
We have 100 years of experience in international trade and currently participate in industry and government committees that examine and help shape regulations. This translates to fewer shipment delays and reduced risk of penalties for its customers. Deringer offers Customs compliance and customer service. Read more…
Surety Bonds
Purchasing your surety bond through Deringer ensures that your shipments have the appropriate bond as well as adequate coverage. Companies from all over the world have come to rely on Deringer for competitive pricing and best-in-class service. Read more…
Developing a reliable and cost-effective supply chain means avoiding penalties and delays associated with non-compliance, capitalizing on duty reduction opportunities including duty drawback, and participating in security-focused programs. Read more…
Importer Security Filing
Deringer’s electronic solution to satisfy the Importer Security Filing (ISF) requirements not only ensures the submission of required data elements in a timely and compliant manner, but also helps manage the data in a central location. Read more…
Deringer’s eManifest solution eases the burden of submitting the many data elements required by the US Customs agency. eManifest is a system designed to replace paper documents, expedite trade, and increase information sharing. Read more…
Request a Customs Brokerage Quote
Please fill out our Request a Quote form to receive an estimate to clear your shipment(s) through US Customs.