In CSMS 43729326 dated August 21, 2020, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) informed the trade that the transition period for importers to comply with the new marking requirements for the importation of Hong Kong goods has been extended for an additional 45 days to November 9, 2020. The original date of compliance was for September 25, 2020. The extended time frame has been provided to allow importers time to come into compliance with the new regulations.
The marking change is a result of a July 14th Executive Order ending Hong Kong’s special trade status. The Executive Order and Federal Register notice mandates that goods produced in Hong Kong bound for US import must be marked with an origin of China. However, a frequently asked questions published by CBP on August 12, 2020, stated that Hong Kong goods will not be subject to Chinese tariffs. The change in marking will not affect the country of origin determinations for assessing duties and entry summary procedures have not changed.
If you have questions about marking changes, please contact Deringer’s Compliance Department.