On Saturday, the union representing the longshoremen at the Port of Montreal issued a 72-hour notice of a partial strike that will impact all terminals at the port. The work slowdown would include discontinuing overtime work, docking activities, training, and weekend work, but the port will continue working regular hours. This action is in response to the Maritime Employers Association’s (MEA) announcement that they would “suspend certain conditions of remuneration as of Tuesday.” The following is expected during the partial strike:
- Starting April 13th at 6:00 pm, the employees will not do any overtime/extension hours
- Starting April 13th at 6:00 pm, employees will not participate in any training activities
- Starting Saturday, April 17th, no linesman will work on the weekend between Saturday 8:00 am and Monday 7:59 am
- Starting Saturday, April 17th, no employee (Local 375) will work on the weekend between Saturday 7:00 am and Monday 5:59am.
Last August, a work stoppage caused congestion and back-ups lasting over two months. Therefore, shippers should expect significant congestion and major impacts on the fluidity of port operations should a strike take place. The union and the MEA have been negotiating a contract since 2018 when their last contract expired, and negotiations have been strained between the two parties.
Deringer will continue to provide updates on the developing contract talks at the Port of Montreal.