To see our Core Values prominently displayed…
Walk through any of our 30 locations. The people of Deringer strive to embody and meet the standards of our Core Values each day.
We really do believe that Deringer’s Culture Delivers Value.
Customer Service Pledge.
Put simply, we strive to let our customers know they are valued, appreciated, and are considered part of the Deringer family. External and internal customers, partners, and government agencies receive prompt and personalized solutions to their inquiries from our committed and knowledgeable team members. That’s our pledge.
We’re Accountable.
Each individual understands the results or outcomes s/he is responsible for and, concurrently, understands the roles and responsibilities of other individuals within the Deringer organization.
Each individual does whatever necessary (within reason and legal constraints) to achieve those results and does not accept mediocrity from themselves or their peers.
Corporate Social Responsibility.
Our corporate social responsibility policy outlines our deep commitment to our people and our planet. We realize that we are part of the international community, and it is our duty to give back to the world, just as it gives to us.