On October 1, 2020, USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) will start enforcing new Lacey Act import requirements on 29 new tariff lines. The additions are part of the sixth phase of Lacey Act declaration enforcement, which initially began in 2009.
The Federal Register Notice includes these products:
- essential oils from chapter 33,
- trunks, cases, and suitcases from chapter 42,
- oriented strand board and wooden containers and pallets from chapter 44,
- musical instruments from chapter 92, and
- and monopods, bipods, tripods, and similar articles of wood from chapter 96.
APHIS is inviting public comment on the products covered under the phase six enforcement schedule, which must be received on or before June 1, 2020. Instructions for submitting comments and additional information can be found in the Federal Register Notice.