As of March 16, 2019 U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is requiring new information from importers. Consignees, sold to parties, and buyers are to use the newly published Create/Update Importer Identity Form, CBP Form 5106, to comply with the new data requirements. Brokers and self-filers may submit the form electronically via the Broker Interface and ACE Portal, while individuals may submit it to CBP’s Office of Finance or an Entry Team at any U.S. Port of Entry. Please be aware that this applies to new 5106 applications only, and does not apply retroactively.
According to CBP, the updated form is “the basis for establishing bond coverage, release and entry of merchandise, liquidation, issuance of bills, refunds and the processing of drawback, and Fines Penalties and Forfeitures actions.” New mandatory data elements include the type of address for the mailing and, if applicable, a physical location address. A phone number is also required on the new form.
The full list of requirements and instructions can be found on the form. Anyone looking for a full CBP’s FAQs on Form 5106 can find it here.