The US Trade Representative (USTR) has provided the “unpublished” announcement of another round of product exclusions from Chinese goods subject to the Section 301 tariffs found on List 4. The published version should be available tomorrow July 10th. These exclusions include “61 specially prepared product descriptions” and will apply retroactively to September 1, 2019, when the tariffs took effect. The exclusions will be valid for one year through September 1, 2020.
In a Federal Register Notice published today, July 9th, the USTR extended 12 exclusions from the first list of Section 301 tariffs that were due to expire today. The extensions were granted through December 31, 2020. The remaining 98 exclusions ended on their July 9th expiry date and can be found in U.S. Note 20(n) to subchapter III of chapter 99 and filed under subheading 9903.88.11. The original list of exclusions granted on July 9, 2019, can be found in the “China Section 301 – Tariff Actions and Exclusions” section of USTR’s website.
If you have questions about Section 301 duties or exclusions, please contact a Deringer service center.