On October 2nd, the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) published two more sets of product exclusions from the Chinese goods subject to Section 301 tariffs. Representing HTS numbers from both tranche one and two, the exclusions are retroactive to July 6, 2018, for those on the first list and August 23, 2018, for those on the second. These exclusions will extend for one year from the federal register publication.
Additionally, US Customs and Border Protection updated the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) with the ability to file entries of goods recently excluded from the second tranche exclusions. Refund requests for exclusions should be processed via post-summary corrections using standard procedures for filing entries. Importers should file a liquidation protest for entries that have already been liquidated.
In this publication, the USTR also corrected errors “by removing notes included in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.”
If you have questions about Section 301 exclusions, filing procedures, or refunds, please send an email to Deringer’s Compliance Department.