CBP recently made significant changes to its C-TPAT program portal, which will require all security profiles to be updated.
Trade Alerts
Ocean Carriers Announce July GRI/PSS
Ocean carriers are imposing a General Rate Increase (GRI) and Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) on cargo bound to all points in the US and Canada from Far East and Indian origins.
GSP Renewed Retroactively, Refund Claims Authorized
On June 29, 2015, President Obama signed the Trade Preferences Act of 2015, renewing the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) trade program, the African Growth and Opportunity Act
CBP Revises C-TPAT Launch for Exporters
CBP announced June 1, 2015, as the revised date to launch the C-TPAT for exporters program. The program
ILWU Members Ratify Five-Year Contract
After nearly a year of negotiations, the ILWU ratified a labor contract with West Coast port employers, the PMA
CBP Postpones C-TPAT Launch for Exporters
CBP announces the delay of the C-TPAT launch for exporters. CBP stated enhancements that were indicated during the pre-release messaging,
Implementation of Broker-Known Importer Program (BKIP)
On May 13, 2015, CBP announced the implementation of the Broker-Known Importer Program (BKIP). Similar to
CBP Launches C-TPAT for Exporters
Effective May 17, 2015, CBP will allow exporters to participate in it's Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
West Coast Ports Recover from Congestion; Carriers Promising GRIs
By the end of May, West Coast ports anticipate operations should return to normal following many months of massive congestion.
CBSA Announces New Timeline for eManifest ACI Rollout
CBSA announced renewed focus and milestones for implementation of ACI emanifest for highway carriers